
雅思口语Part3话题:未来计划(Future Plan)

问题及答案 (question & Answer)
1. Why do people make plans?

Some believe planning is not for everyone since many wants to live spontaneously without thinking too much but others have different opinions. People are into planning since many benefits it may bring. Planning helps youclarifyyour goals,strategizeyour tactics andstay on track. Even if sometimes you mess it all up, you will eventually get back to yourultimatedestination. Without a plan, you are simply lost in a maze ofinconsequentialdecisions.

2. Which do you prefer? Having plans or having no plans?

Ihave inclination forbecoming organized and prepared for upcoming challenges.Drawing upa planin advancecanequip people withsome knowledge when something unexpectedcomes up, or when everything just doesn’t go according to plan. Without a plan, people can feelat a lossand have nothing tofall back onwhen they arein the face of adversity. However, it should bepointed outthat we shouldn’tget into too much detail, instead, justgetting the pictureas towhat’s gonna happen and how plan can be developed is enough for us to tackle it. I mean that plan there are a lot of external circumstances whichprecludeour detailed planfromcoming true; as a result, there is no need to be too precise.

3. In general, do you think planning is important?

To be honest, I am a great planner and can hardly stick to my original plan. Yet, that’s what planning is all about. They say “plan to fail and fail to plan” for a reason. Even though I usually end up ruining my schedule, Imake a habit ofnoting my thoughts and what I have to do the next day, next week and next month since I think it’s one of the best way to organize my mind and my life as well. Without a plan, even agenericone, you’re just going around withoutmaking any progresstowards your goals and advance in your career. Therefore, making sure tokeep track ofmy schedule and personal goals through planning is my top priority.

雅思口语Part3(Ielts Speaking part3)