类型 | 总分要求 | 小分要求 |
雅思 | 6 | L:5.5 | R:5.5 | W:5.5 | S:5.5 |
托福 | 80 | / |
六级 | 430 | / |
序号 | 课程介绍 | Curriculum |
1 | 法律翻译 | Legal Translation |
2 | 葡语法律会话实践 | Portuguese Conversation for Legal Practice |
3 | 进阶公法研究(葡語) | Advanced Study of Public Law(in Portuguese) |
4 | 进阶私法研究(葡语) | Advanced Study of Private Law(in Portuguese) |
5 | 进阶公共行政及公共服务研究 | Advanced Study of Public Administration and Civil Services |
6 | 双语法律起草和翻译 | Drafting of Bilinguallaws and Legal Translation |
7 | 非诉讼争端解决(葡语) | Non-Litigation Dispute Resolution(in Portuguese) |
8 | 法律文书写作(中葡双语) | Biligual Legal Writing(in Chinese and Portuguese) |
9 | 律师实务(中葡双语) | Biligual Pratical Affair of Lawyer(in Chinese and Portuguese) |
10 | 论文 | Thesis |